Spring Equinox: Coming Home to Your Internal Compass
Becoming curious about these questions and embodying the answers is like fertilizer, water, and sunlight for what you're are growing into.

From My Journal To You
Meeting ourselves where we're at is nearly impossible when we think we need to be somewhere else.

Blessed Imbolc
The scraggly fingers of the old hag, the Cailleach, still hang on, waiting to take any remaining layers of skin that need to be shed to make way for Brigid's fertility.

Immortality and Life
I think this may be how the great sages thrived Pendulating between immortality and life.

Unravel and Deepen
What practices, teachings, and ways of being soften you, empower you, reconnect you to your innate enoughness?
Permission to explore them with rapture and wild abandon...because it's good for individual and collective liberation.

Jan. 2025: Micronourishment
There are two things I know for certain, life is f****** hard and it's wildly beautiful and magnificent. And the mind tends to hyper-fixate on the former.

Dec. 2024: Wintering
“December's immaculate coldness feels warm. December feels like blood.”
- Zinadia Nikolaevna Gippius

Nov. 2024: Samhain Magick
Liminal spaces, thin places, where the unseen gathers at the edges of perception to be remembered and to offer support, reminding us that our connections in this life run deep and wide.

Oct. 2024: The Power of Permission
Permission and choice are the opposite of trauma and distress. And this couldn’t be a more important topic as collective trauma is real and happening as I write this, and individual trauma has likely touched every one of our lives at some point.

Sept. 2024: Septmeber As Sanctuary
I don't remember what exactly I was thinking about when this happened, but when it did I was overwhelmed with a sense of awe and amazement for the depth that we humans can feel and the breadth that we can experience.

August 2024: Lughnasadh
Tuning in with these natural rhythms not only consciously connects us with nature but also that of our inner world; our soul nature.