Jan. 2025: Micronourishment

Riders of Hope / Above the tempestuous sea of human sorrow, pain, and solitude, someone carries a flame of Hope / 2024 / @lauramakabresku

What’s one thing you can do right now that would feel pleasant?

I'm writing to you on this chilly January day, just a few steps into 2025, with an invitation to take a moment and connect with something that will make you feel pleasant in your body (like a stretch, deep breath, a good song, dance, a hug, a txt to a loved one, etc.) because it's easy to succumb to the bs. And then take an extra moment to really let it in, to allow the effects to soak into your cells.

There are two things I know for certain, life is f****** hard and it's wildly beautiful and magnificent. And the mind tends to hyper-fixate on the former.

However, when we really take time to savor the latter and let it touch us inside- our bones, tissues, muscles, heart, mind, and so on, it helps build our resilience and widens our capacity to be alive, to be with it all.

There are a few themes I'm sensing and leaning into as a part of a holistic approach to this time of year and healing and they are- forgiveness, dreaming, and commitment.  

Like what do you need to forgive yourself or someone or something else for so that you have the energy to commit to the things you feel an irresistible draw to? What dreams swirl inside of you waiting to materialize? What do you need to commit to to bring them to life? (also, for the perfectionists and mostly everyone, take baby steps, like set the bar a little lower).


Unravel and Deepen


Blessed Solstice & Holy Hibernation