Blessed Solstice & Holy Hibernation

shadow work

The void is the womb.

I've been thinking about darkness a lot lately.
With the Winter Solstice upon us it is no surprise.
A few things have struck a chord for me:

  • The void is the womb.

  • Gestation happens in darkness.

  • Darkness & light are shades of one another; they are part of the same spectrum.

  • Friction, movement literally creates light (think about starting a fire the old school way).

  • Could that mean that darkness requires less movement; beckons it?

  • What have we been taught about darkness? What is our relationship to darkness? What is our relationship to moving less, doing less? What have we been taught about retreat?

  • So often we embrace the dark because it signals a return of light, so often we retreat so we can do more, but is that what they really ask of us...

  • Is it possible that firelight and holiday cheer this time of year are there to support us in going deeper into the dark?

  • Is it possible these seasons of darkness and retreat request something different? Something less expectant, something more present, something non-linear; a deep beingness.

  • The darkness, the shadows are full of good information, valuable intelligence, and healing nectar.

  • What shadows are emerging this time of year for you?

  • How can you give yourself the time, space, permission, and support needed to be with the darkness (if even just a micro amount)?


Jan. 2025: Micronourishment


Dec. 2024: Wintering