From My Journal To You

Hi :)
I've been writing more with little care for it ever being read by someone and it's been revealing, consoling, and healing.
So, I thought I'd share some themes that have come up in case it may be revealing, consoling, and healing for you as well.
"Meeting ourselves where we're at is nearly impossible when we think we need to be somewhere else.
Like scrambling to open a door with all the wrong keys when the key we're looking for is not actually on the key ring at all; it's somewhere else entirely; it's here versus over there.
That's the magick and necessity of meeting ourselves where we're at; it's where we find the key.
But this can be hard when we feel like where we're at is not normal, wrong, flawed, not enough- this couldn't be further from the truth, however, it's a legit protective/defense mechanism when it feels like a threat to not be normal, to not live up to a societal expectation, to not be enough, to not belong, etc.
But wtf is normal?
There are as many variations of normal as there are people, creatures, plants, and objects.
Not to mention, what has been deemed the "norm" in contemporary culture has been done so by individuals disconnected from themselves, nature, and the mystery- I'll pass on that norm (easier said than done; it takes a lot of care, compassion, and curiosity to unravel those stories).
But seriously, how much internal and external strife is due to trying to adhere to a teeny tiny box of normal? How much suppression and oppression happen because of the 'norm'?
Any taste or glimpse of equanimity, peace, and contentment defies the norm and rather embraces a spectrum of it.
What if the life of your dreams; your wild, wise, whole heart is too big for this box?"

I've been leaning into mythology more for guidance and support in my own process because the mythic imagination is a reservoir of ancient knowledge that clarifies, empowers, heals, and consoles. Carl Kerenyi, a religious historian talks about sacred rituals and rites as an expression of myth, just as myth is an expression of reality.

This is what's on offer this month and for as long as it feels applicable- resources, practices, and tools for being with what's here; ritualizing it; holding it in ceremony; normalizing the wild and eccentric; following curiosity; building self-trust; stabilizing the foundation; mythologizing so that we are empowered to shatter the shackles within and around ourselves; so that we can imagine more possibility and potential.

May you feel the Earth holding some of the weight of what you carry with you.
May you hold it in compassion.
May you know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
And may the wild wisdom of your heart become your vessel for hearing and seeing more often; the input and output of you being baptized in her hands.


Spring Equinox: Coming Home to Your Internal Compass


March 2025 musings