Nov. 2024: Samhain Magick



what is Samhain (a prose):
Liminal spaces, thin places, where the unseen gathers at the edges of perception to be remembered and to offer support, reminding us that our connections in this life run deep and wide. Where things lost can be found and those clinging can surrender to the cycles of creation, preserving that which restores balance, connection, and purpose. Nurturing our relationship to the creation, the vision, the dream we hold for ourselve and the collective.

samhain goddess

a bow to Samhain:
Are there not moments; spaces out carved in time where the golden thread of grace makes itself ever apparent?

Where all struggle and turmoil momentarily meld with hope, possibility, and trust.

I have long celebrated the turnings of the wheel of the year and I find myself catching a glimpse of the healing and power this brings.

As the days move toward and through Samhain, a deeply revered time across cultures, time, and space, a special kind of magick is available; a potent brew; a healing salve.

It is the wee hours of the morning and I have been stirred from my sleep with an easeful momentum to write and record the benefit of feeling into and perceiving the edges of the unseen that are ever close this time of year; to come into relationship with all of those who have come before me to pave the way (including past iterations of myself) and all who stand in solidarity to support me and through me the collective.

In this liminal space of Samhain there is a breath of fresh air for all that has been, all that is, and all that will be.

The dying leaves rustle outside in an otherworldly breeze and a beeswax candle burns an ever golden flame. I sense a long longed for relief, delight, and reassurance in being alive- in the vulnerability, uncertainty, and ever changing nature of life.

I think to myself, this is the golden thread of grace woven throughout all of creation, life, time, space, and beings.

It is the chalice that quenches the deepest thirst and the salve that binds the nastiest of wounds. It is our birthright to access such healing, connection, and support.

And I think this is the purpose, the why, the importance, the longing, the value behind what it means to live deeper; to live wider, wilder, wiser; to live holistically; to live in relationship, in ritual, in intention, in celebration, in reverence, in sanctity, in remembering.

So that we may recognize the golden thread of grace woven into the very fabric of our being. So that we may take a sip from the chalice of our wholeness. So that we may lather our wounds in the most soothing of salves.

Because we are part of so much more than what the eye can see and mind perceive.

And to sense and taste this rich belonging, dignity, and stability is what gives way to choice, healing, resilience, liberation, and purpose. And we all deserve all of those things.

Blessed Samhain dear friend
May the waves of the unseen carry you home
And the whispers from beyond restore a sense of hope, purpose, and sweet belonging.

dismantle oppression

celebrating Samhain:

  • Create a Samhain altar with items from loving ancestors who have passed, talismans that invoke a sense of sanctity, and/or items that represent what you are grateful for. Sit with this altar and offer your appreciation and share your hopes and dreams for the future.

  • Set out an extra plate at the table for those who have come before.

  • Let this time of year touch you and touch it in return, curious about how it feels in your body to be in this space, curious about what wants to happen, compassionately tending to what you find.

  • Carve out space for praise and grief; let the two hold you, move through you.

A special thank you to my ancestors, guides, and guardians and the teachers who have greatly influenced, held, and witnessed me.

surrender and flow

softening into:

  • Moodiness points to neglected needs- take care.

  • Capacity is a compass.

  • Let yourself marinade; let the body be where it's at.

  • Softening the survival response.

  • Being a dynamic creature and spiritual being.

In grace,



Dec. 2024: Wintering


Oct. 2024: The Power of Permission