Aliveness and Remembering
Round and round and round we go
Mountains so high and valleys of low.
A range of emotion, sensation, and thought accompany the path
Like wild animals in the night following your tracks.
Always close by, these animate things
Adapting and responding to the way life sings
And sing the must, sing they will
What tools will you pack to navigate the trills?
This wild journey isn’t stagnant
Nothing lasts forever.
Hug yourself tenderly and take time
To care and console
Tend to the hurst that nips at your soles.
All of the creatures that appear along the way
Are trying to protect or keep something at bay.
So, whenever possible
Connect with conditions of safe and enough
And let your wild body rest among the mosses and trunks.
If you feel called, you can slip out of your skin
Retreat into the womb that makes everything kin.