The Subtle Art of Digestion
Sometimes it’s in the simple practices we find profound healing.

Embodying the Leo Archetype
Regardless of whether the archetype of Leo (I interpret the zodiac signs as archetypes) is your sun or rising sign, we all have this archetype somewhere in our natal chart; we are all a mini expression of the cosmos.

Heart Work
Arrive at the village of your wild
Sitting in ceremony with the beat of your goodness
Dancing to the rhythm of your innate knowing

July 2024: Salve For the Soul
Regardless of what you find, remember that you are the bright core of it, not the ever-changing form.

Summer Solstice
What would it feel like to believe in my inherent light? What would it look like to share it with others?

June 2024: Take Space
Take space, lay low, remember the hand that holds you, leave room for surprises.

May 2024: Capacity & Resilience
Because the universe longs to see us in our full potential, the earth revels in the possibility, and the well-being of our collective depends on it.

Remembering Your True Nature
What if just for a moment you identified with the wholeness of life?

Being With Discomfort
A wave of worry, compassion, longing, despair, and doubt rise in my chest…

Sacred Connections
Tending to those relationships with care, awareness, compassion, and respect.