Being With Discomfort
A wave of worry, compassion, longing, despair, and doubt rise in my chest
Crashing through my mind
My body aches with a familiar discomfort
Yet my heart has grown louder lately
An expanded capacity to be with the hurt
And surprisingly the sting is not as bad as it used to be
Nonetheless, I wonder where have you come from?
What do you need?
What would be of support?
Remembering this wave of disturbance doesn’t define me nor affect my value or worth
Instead, it has likely come to invite me to sit with more of myself so that I may love more deeply, experience more fully, live more wholly
One thing I know is that it will not behoove me to wallow in it
But rather to compassionately explore it knowing that I’m not alone and that the Divine walks in step beside me
Holding space for all of it
Like the Earth and all of her wonderous beauty and possibility
Nurturing, nourishing, and nesting life and its potential.