
Holistic Medicine for Summer Solstice

Days merge with night
The sun morphs into a full moon
What was once not visible appears

A radiance is stoked
Long-forgotten gems revealed
Acceptance, compassion, delight, confidence glow softly

Newfound strength emerges in this warm embrace
Fortitude whispers love notes to the tenderness
Step into the fire
Sip from the wellspring of your becoming

Old ways ablaze, new ways saturated
The soul grows more deeply in love and radiance

A threshold is crossed, the cycle tended
Walls dissolve, blossoms unfurl
Aliveness abounds in bone and spirit

Rest here, play here, be here
So your cup runneth over
Watering all in its wake
Birthing new worlds and realms

Life rooted in the river's flow; loves care; spirits raw intelligence
Allow yourself to be carried away on the ship of your heart's longing
Down, up, side to side, to the ember of your innate benevolence.

-Ashlyn Miller


July 2024: Salve For the Soul


Summer Solstice